Miydi Maps is an extensive repository dedicated to providing highly detailed socio-economic data, meticulously compiled down to individual census tracts and zip codes. This initiative is designed to streamline the utilization of geographic data across various advanced applications, including Artificial Intelligence, data analytics, urban planning, and more, by eliminating the complexities of data parsing.


Introducing Miydi Maps

AI Optimized Geo-Spatial Data Repo

Miydi Maps is a valuable open-source geospatial resource available on GitHub, offering detailed integration of optimized OpenStreetMap (OSM) data with extensive demographic information down to the census tract level. This resource combines data from various government and some private sector sources, making it a highly useful tool for urban planners, researchers, and policy makers who need precise, localized geographic analyses.

Free access to such comprehensive data supports a wide range of users, encouraging collaboration and innovation across different fields. Miydi Maps not only provides robust and accurate geographic data but also ensures easy usability with mapping tools like QGIS. This accessibility allows users to create in-depth, data-driven geospatial visualizations and analyses effortlessly.

See how it works:

Combine Open Street Maps with Cenus Data

Census Tracts

Miydi Maps starts with Census tracts as its foundational layer, enabling detailed mapping and analysis. This setup allows the integration of diverse demographic data, enhancing granularity and utility.

Additionally, a robust connection layer in Miydi Maps facilitates the seamless linking of various demographic datasets to specific Census tracts. This flexibility supports a wide range of analytical and planning needs, making it a versatile tool for mapping projects.

Roads and Neighborhoods

Miydi Maps incorporates detailed land use data specifically for residential areas, mapping out various types of housing and land allocation. This layer is crucial for understanding the spatial distribution and characteristics of living spaces within different regions. It provides a clear visualization of residential zones, helping users analyze housing patterns and urban development.

In addition to land use data, Miydi Maps integrates OpenStreetMap (OSM) neighborhood maps to offer a more nuanced view of community layouts. This combination enriches the dataset, allowing for a deeper insight into how neighborhoods are structured and interconnected. It also enhances the ability to assess amenities, services, and the overall livability of different areas.

The mapping solution is further refined by the inclusion of detailed street and road maps. These maps provide essential information on the transportation networks that connect residential areas to the broader urban infrastructure. The detailed road data helps in planning routes, understanding traffic flow, and exploring connectivity between different parts of the city or region.

Land Use

Miydi Maps extends its capabilities to encompass retail and business areas, meticulously tracking them by zoning and land use categories. This integration allows users to visualize commercial landscapes, identify business clusters, and analyze economic activities within specific zones. By aligning detailed zoning information with business types, Miydi Maps provides a valuable tool for urban planners and business analysts to strategize and optimize commercial development.

Further enhancing its utility, Miydi Maps includes optimized OpenStreetMap (OSM) layers specifically for commercial buildings. These layers categorize buildings by type, such as retail stores, food services, and bars, presented in both multipolygon and centroid formats. This approach supports diverse mapping needs, from high-level strategic planning to detailed local area studies, enabling precise visualization and analysis of commercial structures.

Additionally, the platform incorporates essential city services and cultural sites within its datasets. Locations such as hospitals, schools, and churches are mapped, offering a comprehensive view of community infrastructure and amenities. This data is crucial for a variety of applications, including emergency planning, cultural research, and community services development, making Miydi Maps an indispensable resource for a broad spectrum of users.

Has a scale for individual buildings (1:1 scale)

Miydi Maps delivers granular details down to individual buildings, cataloging each structure’s purpose or function across residential, government, commercial, and industrial categories. This detailed classification allows users to gain insights into the architectural fabric of any area, facilitating targeted analyses for real estate development, zoning compliance, and urban planning. Each building’s function is clearly defined, enabling precise and context-aware mapping and analysis.

Additionally, this building-specific data is fully integrable with census-level demographic data, enriching the geographic and demographic understanding of any locality. This integration supports a multifaceted approach to spatial analysis, allowing for the assessment of how different building types correlate with demographic trends and socio-economic conditions. It provides a robust framework for comprehensive urban studies and planning, enhancing decision-making processes with layered, actionable data.

Simplified AI View

Miydi Maps is meticulously optimized for GeoSpatial AI applications, ensuring that the data is structured in a way that maximizes usability for artificial intelligence systems. By organizing the extensive demographic and census data into distinct buckets, the platform facilitates easier access and manipulation by AI algorithms. This bucketing method simplifies the process of querying and analyzing complex datasets, allowing AI models to efficiently process and interpret spatial and demographic patterns. The strategic structuring of data not only accelerates computational tasks but also improves the accuracy and relevancy of AI-driven insights.

This refined data organization enhances the AI’s capability to reference specific datasets quickly or display detailed demographic information in a user-friendly manner. By streamlining how data is presented and accessed, Miydi Maps makes it feasible for AI technologies to generate sophisticated visualizations and predictive analyses. Such capabilities are crucial for applications ranging from urban planning and market research to environmental monitoring and disaster management, where dynamic and complex data needs to be understood rapidly and accurately.

Free and Open Source

Miydi Maps stands out as an open-source treasure trove of geospatial data, freely accessible to anyone interested in demographic or census-related visualizations. As an open-source project hosted on GitHub, it invites users from various sectors—academics, researchers, government officials, and hobbyists—to explore and utilize its extensive datasets. This accessibility democratizes the availability of high-quality geographic information, enabling users to launch projects without the constraints of licensing fees or proprietary software.

Designed with ease of use in mind, Miydi Maps serves as an ideal starting point for anyone looking to delve into demographic studies or spatial analysis. The data is pre-processed and organized into user-friendly formats that simplify integration into GIS applications and data analysis tools. This setup not only saves time and effort in data preparation but also empowers users to swiftly move from data acquisition to insightful visualizations and analyses, fostering innovative solutions and informed decision-making.

Endless Customization

Miydi Maps is fully customizable, allowing users to tailor any type of visualization to meet their specific needs. We encourage all users to explore the extensive documentation available on GitHub, which provides detailed guidance on how to maximize the potential of the datasets and tools provided. By downloading Miydi Maps for yourself, you can experiment with and adapt the data, unlocking new possibilities for visualizing and analyzing geographic and demographic information. Dive into the resources and start crafting your unique visualizations today!

Try it yourself:

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